

Change Financial Limited (ASX: CCA) is an Australian based global fintech providing tailored payments solutions, card issuing and testing to banks and fintechs.

Our story

Change is a global fintech, listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: CCA), providing payment solutions to banks and fintechs. Change partners with clients to provide simple, flexible, and fast to market payment solutions and services.

Change offers payment and testing solutions to more than 156 clients across 41 countries – Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), North America, Latin America (LATAM) and South-East Asia (SEA).

Investor updates

Q4 FY24 Investor Presentation
Q4 Quarterly Activities / Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report
Webinar notification – Q4 Results
Notification regarding unquoted securities – CCA
Trading Update
New Flagship NZ PaaS Client signed – Unity Credit Union
Q3 FY24 Investor Presentation
Q3 Quarterly Activities / Appendix 4C Cash Flow Report
Webinar notification – Q3 Results
H1 FY24 Results – Investor Presentation
H1 FY24 – Results Summary
H1 FY24 – Half Yearly Report and Accounts

Annual Reports

31 AUG 20232023 Annual ReportDOWNLOAD
31 AUG 20222022 Annual ReportDOWNLOAD
31 AUG 20212021 Annual ReportDownload
1 SEP 20202020 Annual ReportDownload
1 OCT 20192019 Annual ReportDownload
1 OCT 20182018 Annual ReportDownload
2 OCT 20172017 Annual ReportDownload
3 OCT 20162016 Annual ReportDownload

Broker Research

Important Information: Change Financial Limited (Change) is followed by the analysts listed below. Analyst coverage is subject to change from time to time. Any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Change’s performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Change or its management. Change does not by reference to the analysts reports imply its endorsement of or agreement with any such information, conclusions or recommendations. Change does not accept any responsibility for any losses suffered due to reliance on the opinions, estimates or forecasts made by these analysts.

Henslow – Trading Update June 2024

Request Report

The report is available to “Sophisticated” or “Wholesale” Investors as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (“Corporations Act”).

“Revenue Guidance Upgrade” – 20 June 2024

Download Research

Issue sponsored research by experienced sector analysts.

Henslow – Unity Credit Union, NZ PaaS Contract Win

Request Report

The report is available to “Sophisticated” or “Wholesale” Investors as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (“Corporations Act”).

“Validation of PaaS Proposition” – 31 May 2024

Download Research

Issue sponsored research by experienced sector analysts.

“Three Near Term Catalysts” – 30 April 2024

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Issue sponsored research by experienced sector analysts.

“Focus now on converting significant pipeline” – 29 February 2024

Download Research

Issue sponsored research by experienced sector analysts.

Henslow – H124 Interim Results

Download Research

The report is available to “Sophisticated” or “Wholesale” Investors as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (“Corporations Act”).

“Significant PaaS revenue ramp up occurring” – 1 February 2024

Download Research

Issue sponsored research by experienced sector analysts.

“No surprises in FY23 result” – 6 September 2023

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Issue sponsored research by experienced sector analysts.

Henslow – FY23 Results – 31 August 2023

Request Report

The report is available to “Sophisticated” or “Wholesale” Investors as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (“Corporations Act”).

“PaaS entering commercialisation” – 8 August 2023

Download Research

Issue sponsored research by experienced sector analysts.

Henslow – FY22 Results – 31 August 2022

Request Report

The report is available to “Sophisticated” or “Wholesale” Investors as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (“Corporations Act”).

“New deal an indication of more to come” – 10 June 2022

Download Research

Issue sponsored research by experienced sector analysts.

Henslow – Initiation Report – 28 March 2022

Request Report

The report is available to “Sophisticated” or “Wholesale” Investors as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (“Corporations Act”).

MST Access research – 23 May 2022

Download Research

Issuer sponsored research by experienced sector analysts.

Corporate Governance

The Board of Change Financial Limited is responsible for implementing and maintaining a culture of strong corporate governance. The Board also establishes and monitors key performance goals, and is committed to maximizing performance, generating Shareholder value and financial returns, and sustaining our long-term growth and success. 

With these goals and objectives in mind the Company’s Corporate Governance policies and procedures have been developed with reference to the Australian Securities Exchange Corporate Governance Council’s recommendations.

Shareholder services

Find information and contact details to manage your shares.

Link Market Services Limited

Level 21, 10 Eagle Street, Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia
1300 554 474


Get in touch if you have any questions about your investment via [email protected]

Change Financial Limited

Suite 3E, Level 3, 340 Adelaide Street, Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia
+61 3 9661 8200