- Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)
- Device FaultsDevice FaultsTest for hardware errors such as card jam, no print paper etc
- RegressionRegressionGenerating and running transaction scripts for ATM devices incorporating the full spectrum of transactions processed for comprehensive regression testing.
- Automation
- LatencyLatencySimulating slow response from partner networks to replicate peak periods.
- Network connection faultNetwork connection faultAbility to test devices disconnecting and other network faults
- RegressionRegressionGenerating and running transaction scripts for switch devices incorporating the full spectrum of transactions processed for comprehensive regression testing.
- StressStressGenerating and running transaction scripts for switch, ATM and POS devices at a high transaction per second rate for capacity planning.
- Point of Sale (POS)
- Device FaultsDevice FaultsTest for hardware errors such as not reading chip card etc
- RegressionRegressionGenerating and running transaction scripts for POS devices incorporating the full spectrum of transactions processed for comprehensive regression testing.
- Platform
- Desktop Testing and SimulationDesktop Testing and SimulationRun testing and simulation from your physical or virtual desktop
- New User InterfaceNew User InterfaceModern UI to incorporate existing and new modules
- Software as a Service (SaaS)Software as a Service (SaaS)PaySim SaaS platform for scalable hosted testing and simulation
- Application Programable Interface (API)
- PaySim APIPaySim APIREST API functionality to support automation and integration of PaySim into CI/CD, QA and testing platforms
- Stress and Load Testing APIStress and Load Testing APIAPI functions for stress and load tests
- Regression Testing APIRegression Testing APIAPI functions for regression tests
- Batch ProcessingBatch ProcessingInitiate a batch processing through a batch script file
- Upload Script FilesUpload Script FilesUpload Script Files Upload PaySim scripts files which includes SPR, SPT and Batch files
- Cancel RequestCancel RequestCancel an ongoing request like Stress, Performance submit as a blocking or non-blocking call
- Swap LogsSwap LogsCreate a new log file for regression or stress test execution where a clean log file is required for subsequent reporting.
- Fetch DevicesFetch DevicesTo fetch the list of all devices that can be used with API
- Export PaySim LogsExport PaySim LogsExport PaySim transaction logs files in different file format
- Synchronous / Blocking ExecutionSynchronous / Blocking ExecutionAllow the API call to be executed in a blocking fashion. Useful in cases, where the API consumer needs to wait till the completion of API call. Currently PaySim API supports non-blocking (asynchronous execution)
- ISO20022 APIISO20022 APIAPI capability for ISO20022 included New Payments Platform (NPP) and PromptPay
- Device CertificationDevice CertificationExecute acquirer and issuer certification tests.
- APIs for additional modulesAPIs for additional modulesAPI functions to support additional PaySim modules
- Reporting
- Regression ReportingRegression ReportingReporting on regression transaction sets providing average transactions per second, response time, approval rates and detailed error messaging.
- Stress ReportingStress ReportingReporting on stress transaction sets providing average transactions per second, response time, approval rates and detailed error messaging.
- ReconciliationReconciliationReconciliation of reports on regression and/or stress transaction
- Professional Services
- ConsultingConsultingConsulting for any of the Paysim products based on agreed Project requirements.
- ImplementationImplementationExperienced team to implement and consult to your business to ensure set up for success
- TrainingTrainingTraining for any of the PaySim products based on an agreed Syllabus.
- ConfiguratorConfiguratorConfigurator for stated ATMs displaying and modifying standard load files for various switch types including Base24, Connex, IST and Postilion.
- DieboldDieboldSimulation of Diebold ATMs using Diebold message protocols for stated ATMs and supporting screen flow and message customizations for stateless ATMs
- NCRNCRSimulation of NCR ATMs using NDC message protocols up to Aptra Advanced for stated ATMs and supporting screen flow and message customizations for stateless ATMs
- Screen Flow ReporterScreen Flow ReporterReporter for stated ATMs generating detailed screen flow reports for any transaction defined in a state load.
- StressStressGenerating and running transaction scripts for switch ATM devices at a high transaction per second rate for capacity planning.
- TritonTritonGenerating and running transaction scripts for switch ATM devices at a high transaction per second rate for capacity planning.
- WincorWincorGenerating and running transaction scripts for switch ATM devices at a high transaction per second rate for capacity planning.
- QRQRSupport QR data within various message standards
- Cards
- Card GenerationCard GenerationGenerate tens of thousands of test cards from just a BIN range
- EMVEMVSupport all EMV standard cards, multiple apps including TLV coded, AMEX AEGN and blocked TLV.
- Real Smart CardReal Smart CardAbility to use a real chip card to initiate transactions
- Card TransactionsCard TransactionsCard transactions with Dynamic CVV support
- POS DevicePOS DeviceSimulation of standard Hypercom T7 device or any custom POS message specified by the customer. Currently supporting over twenty proprietary POS message standards.
- POS Device CertificationPOS Device CertificationCertification of standard POS transactions for POS customers using proprietary transaction scripts.
- POS Terminal HostPOS Terminal HostSimulation of a POS terminal host for vetting new POS terminal software before promotion to production. Currently supporting over twenty proprietary POS message standards.
- StressStressGenerating and running transaction scripts for switch POS devices at a high transaction per second rate for capacity planning.
- QRQRSupport QR data within various message standards
- Schemes
- MastercardMastercardSimulation of Mastercard, Banknet, MPGS (MiGS) and MDS transactions with bi-annual mandates supported including SecureCode
- Mastercard M/Chip AdvanceMastercard M/Chip AdvanceSimulation of Mastercard debit, credit and prepaid chip cards for contactless, PayPass, Maestro
- VisaVisaSimulation of Visa Base I and SMS transactions with bi-annual mandates supported including 3D secure (Verified by Visa)
- Visa VSDCVisa VSDCSimulation of Visa’s chip solution for Visa smart debit credit for contactless, payWave
- DinersDinersSimulation of Diners financial transactions with bi-annual mandates supported
- Discover CardDiscover CardSimulation of Discover Card financial transactions with bi-annual mandates supported
- JCBJCBSimulation of JCB financial transactions with bi-annual mandates supported
- UPI / UnionPayUPI / UnionPaySimulation of UnionPay transactions with bi-annual mandates supported
- Mastercard SettlementMastercard SettlementGenerating standard settlement files for transactions generated by Paysim for Mastercard IPM/SMS including TCR records
- Visa SettlementVisa SettlementGenerating standard settlement files for transactions generated by Paysim for VISA base II including TCR records
- UPI UnionPay SettlementUPI UnionPay SettlementGenerating standard settlement files for transactions generated by Paysim for UnionPay including TCR records
- JCB SettlementJCB SettlementGenerating standard settlement files for transactions generated by Paysim for JCB including TCR records
- Discover SettlementDiscover SettlementGenerating standard settlement files for transactions generated by Paysim for Discover including TCR records
- AMEX SettlementAMEX SettlementGenerating standard settlement files for transactions generated by Paysim for Amex including TCR records
- Diners SettlementDiners SettlementGenerating standard settlement files for transactions generated by Paysim for Diners including TCR records
- eftpos Settlementeftpos SettlementGenerating standard settlement files for transactions generated by Paysim for eftpos including TCR records
- Security Protocols
- Cryptographic AlgorithmsCryptographic AlgorithmsSupport types of encryptions such as SHA, RSA, AES, OAEP, TDEA, MD5, Open SSL, X509 certificates, Base64 signatures and many others
- 3DES3DESSupport types of encryptions such as SHA, RSA, AES, OAEP, TDEA, MD5, Open SSL, X509 certificates, Base64 signatures and many others
- AS2805AS2805Support the AS2805 as the Australia switch cryptographic standard protocol
- Key BlocksKey BlocksProtect the integrity of encrypted keys
- TLSTLSSupport of TLS (Transport Layer Security)
- Standards
- AS2805AS2805Configurable simulation devices supporting all ISO standard data elements and many custom user defined data elements. Includes eftpos Australia spec
- ISO20022 PromptPayISO20022 PromptPayPromptPay simulation for ISO20022 in Thailand
- ISO20022 instaPayISO20022 instaPayinstaPay simulation for ISO20022 in Philippines
- ISO8583ISO8583Configurable simulation devices supporting all ISO standard data elements and many custom user defined data elements. Includes eftpos Australia spec
- ISO8583 (1987)ISO8583 (1987)Configurable simulation devices supporting all ISO standard data elements and many custom user defined data elements. Includes eftpos Australia spec
- ISO8583 (1987)ISO8583 (1987)Configurable simulation devices supporting all ISO standard data elements and many custom user defined data elements. Includes eftpos Australia spec
- ISO8583 (2003)ISO8583 (2003)Configurable simulation devices supporting all ISO standard data elements and many custom user defined data elements. Includes eftpos Australia spec
- ISO8583 (MNGS)ISO8583 (MNGS)Configurable simulation devices supporting all ISO standard data elements and many custom user defined data elements for Mastercard Network Gateway Services (MNGS)
- ISO20022 New Payments PlatformISO20022 New Payments PlatformNPP simulation for ISO20022 in Australia
- XML DevicesXML DevicesConfigurable simulation devices supporting all XML standard tags and many custom user defined tags.
- XML TransactionsXML TransactionsSimulation of XML transactions for various schemes and payment protocols with XML tags linked to standard ISO data elements.
- JSONJSONConfigurable simulation devices supporting all JSON open standard interchange
- ISO20022 Multi-regionISO20022 Multi-regionISO20022 Real-Time Payments simulation for multiple countries and regions
- ISO20022 HVCSISO20022 HVCSSimulation for ISO20022 High Value Clearing System
- Switches
- Authorization routingAuthorization routingAbility to split and route transactions
- BancnetBancnetSimulation of Bancnet, the Philippines national standard, financial transactions.
- eftpos Certificationeftpos CertificationCertification of standard switch transactions for national schemes using standard transaction scripts for eftpos Australia
- INTERACINTERACSimulation of Canadian INTERAC financial transactions.
- NCCCNCCCSimulation of NCCC Taiwan financial transactions.
- NYCENYCESimulation of NYCE financial transactions.
- PayNetPayNetSimulation of PayNet Malaysia (formally MEPS) financial transactions.
- RupayRupaySimulation of Indian standard Rupay financial transactions.
- UAE SwitchUAE SwitchSimulation of UAE Switch financial transactions.
- QRQRSupport QR data within various message standards
- Utilities & Tools
- CalculatorsCalculatorsCalculators for PVV, CVV, Check Digit, PIN offset, dynamic CVC, CAVV, DES, RSA, MAC, ARQC, data encryptors, DUKPT, TR-31 Key Block
- ConvertorsConvertorsASCII/EBCDIC
- DecodersDecodersDecoders for bitmaps, ANS1, MIME
- Card GenerationCard GenerationGenerate tens of thousands of test cards from just a BIN range
- Log file comparisonLog file comparisonCompare different log files from different tests to compare results
- Exchange ratesExchange ratesAdd exchange rate conversion to your transactions
- Online HelpOnline HelpContext sensitive help within screens
- 3DSecure3DSecure3DS support for Visa, Mastercard, Amex, JCB and eftpos Australia