PaySim is Change Financial’s payment testing and simulation tool. With PaySim, you can easily and accurately test your payment systems to ensure that they are working properly and compliant with industry regulations. 

Here we’ll explore why PaySim is an essential tool for optimising your payment systems and processes. 


Automation has become an increasingly important part of the financial industry, and payment testing tools are a key aspect of this trend. Banks and fintech companies are using these tools to streamline their payment processes, improve efficiency, and reduce the risk of errors and fraud. 

Payment testing tools are software programs that automate the testing of payment systems. This includes everything from the initial transaction request to the final confirmation that the payment has been completed successfully. These tools can simulate a wide range of payment scenarios, allowing banks and fintech companies to test their systems thoroughly and ensure that they are working properly. 

Compliance and scheme tools generally operate on a single transaction at a time, however using PaySim allows you to automate thousands of transactions. 

Automated testing allows organizations to run more tests in less time, giving them a more comprehensive view of their payment systems and allowing them to identify and fix any issues more quickly. 

Return on Investment (ROI) 

One of the key benefits of using payment testing tools is that they can help banks and fintech companies to save time and money. Traditional payment testing methods are often time-consuming and labour-intensive, requiring teams of testers to manually carry out tests and analyse the results.  This can be a costly and inefficient process, especially for large organizations with complex payment systems.  

Other alternatives such as reliance on compliance and scheme tools which are designed for one off certification and to test transactions one at a time is also time consuming and costly compared to automating your day to day transactions via payments testing tools.  

Fraud Prevention 

Another important benefit of payment testing tools is that they can help banks and fintech companies to reduce the risk of errors and fraud. Payment systems are vulnerable to a wide range of potential issues, from technical glitches to malicious attacks. By using payment testing tools to simulate different scenarios, banks and fintech companies can identify potential vulnerabilities and take steps to fix them before they cause any problems. 

Regulatory Compliance  

In addition to improving efficiency and reducing the risk of errors and fraud, payment testing tools can also help banks and fintech companies to stay compliant with industry regulations as well as up to date with ever changing scheme mandates. Payment systems are subject to a wide range of rules and regulations, and it is important for organizations to ensure that their systems are compliant with these rules.  

On top of the regulations are the various mandated specifications required by banks and fintechs to adhere to. By using PaySim, banks and fintech companies can test their systems to ensure that they are compliant with the latest regulations and using the latest scheme mandates, helping them to avoid transaction failures, costly fines and other penalties. 


Overall, PaySim is essential for banks and fintech companies looking to improve their payment processes and reduce the risk of errors and fraud. By automating the testing process, PaySim can help organizations to save time and money, improve their efficiency, and stay compliant with industry regulations. 

For more information on PaySim or to arrange a demo, reach out to our sales team.  

To see all the features of PaySim, check out our roadmap

Change Financial CPO, Vinnie D’Alessandro made an appearance on ausbiz with Kyle Rodda to discuss payments in the Australian, New Zealand and US markets.

Having attended my first Customer Owned Banking Association conference (COBA) with Change Financial, I was hoping for a positive experience after such a long break between in person conferences and my expectations were far exceeded.

The Customer Owned Banking Association put on a wonderful event , one of the best I’ve attended in my career.  Aside from the professionally executed conference, panels, sessions, food, and entertainment, it was the COBA members that had the greatest impact on me.  They were open, positive, engaging, and curious.

Change Financial team at COBA2022

The COBA 2022 conference panels, sessions and workshops centred around three  key themes; Smart. Strong and Sustainable.

Whilst that is  an accurate description of COBA member banks,  I took away a different set of themes from the members in attendance: Enhance,  Compete and Grow.

Enhance: Not surprisingly, COBA members were focused on their customer experience, it was central to almost every conversation I came across. There was an acceptance from members that their products and services needed to be enhanced.  COVID has been a catalyst for greater investment in remote and digital bank services and COBA2022 showcased many of these new capabilities that  banks can  deliver to their customers.

Compete: COBA members are often competing for the same customers as the big 4 and larger tier 2 banks.  Customer owned banks can’t compete with the big guys in terms of budgets, but through partners and SaaS offerings, there is an opportunity to match their services and provide a better customer value proposition. A great comment from one of our customers I spoke to was “I want to own my own destiny for card payments, but I don’t have to do it all on my own”. 

Grow: Nearly every bank I spoke to wanted to grow their customer base. In particular, focus on new, younger customers to drive a sustainable future.  Whilst murmurs of mergers and acquisitions continue, COBA members are keen to enhance their services, compete with the bigger players and ultimately grow their customer base.

The Change team was both encouraged and inspired  by the energy, enthusiasm and positivity from the COBA team and their members.  We’re looking forward to supporting the transformation journey for customer owned banks as they continue to enhance, compete, and grow to better rival the major banks in the future.

Change Financial Limited (ASX: CCA) released the company’s full year results for the year ended 30 June 2022 (FY22).

Change CEO and Managing Director, Alastair Wilkie commented, “This was a transformational year for Change, with the Company in a position to scale our technology offering globally. During the period, we expanded our client base from 136 across 36 countries to 156 in 41 countries, whilst also delivering key building blocks that set us up for continued success. The Change team globally has operated in challenging circumstances and they should be proud of what they have achieved in FY22.”

FY22 Highlights
  • FY22 revenue of US$8.3m (A$12.0m), up 32% on prior corresponding period
  • Launched new Vertexon Payments as a Service (PaaS) platform
  • Signed seven new Vertexon PaaS clients with total contract value anticipated to be in excess of US$12.9m (A$18.7m) over the initial terms
  • Includes milestone Vertexon PaaS contracts with four New Zealand financial institutions with TCV anticipated to be in excess of US$10.5m (A$15.2m) over the initial five-year terms
  • 1st US Vertexon PaaS client now live and transacting generating recurring revenues
  • Signed a six-year agreement with Mastercard to enable direct issuing in Australia & New Zealand
  • Received regulatory approval to enable direct issuing in New Zealand, regulatory approval in Australia is expected in coming months

To access an overview of the FY22 results and outlook for FY23, please see our Results Presentation

Change Financial (ASX:CCA) is pleased to share the MST Access Initiation Report published today.

You can download the research here or read the content below

Change was selected in a cohort of 9 Australian fintechs to participate in the Fintech Australian and Austrade program to help financial services and technology providers scale in the US market.

Across May and June, the cohort will attend the in-person program in New York where they will promote their offering, meet partners, clients, investors and mentors to build their US market presence. The cohort will also attend the Lendit Fintech 2022 Conference at the end of May, which includes the Demo Day hosted by WEVE Acceleration and Austrade.

Austrade’s Steve Rank, Trade and Investment Commissioner New York, explained  “Australia’s fintech sector will be showcased in New York when 9 of the best and brightest Australian Fintech startups visit in May.”

Change will be presented by Clayton Fossett (COO) and Brian Hodgdon (VP – Business Development and Customer Relations) and promote our Vertexon Payments as a Service and PaySim payments simulation and testing products.

Change will be joined by

Change is honored to have been selected along with such esteemed fintechs and looks forward to building our presence in the US.

Change Financial has been announced as a finalist for the sixth Annual Edition of FinTech Australia’s most prestigious fintech business awards, the Finnies.

FinTech Australia hosts the annual Finnies Awards which recognises excellence in financial services and technology in Australia. Change has been selected as a finalist for the Excellent in Payments category for 2022.

This is the second year in a row that Change being selected as a finalist, having made the finals for Deal of the Year award in 2021.

Change’s Chief Product Officer, Vinnie D’Alessandro, celebrated the announcement. “We are thrilled that Change has been recognised by FinTech Australia and the Finnies judges for the Excellence in Payments award. It’s recognition for the effort and investment our team has put into our Vertexon and PaySim products.”

The full list of finalists are available here. The Finnies Awards ceremony  June 23rd at a gala event at the Forum Theater in Melbourne. Tickets will be available from the Finnies website

Change Financial was features in Fintech Australia’s Five Fintech on Friday along with Kanopi, FirstAML, MyLenda, and Radium Capital

Change Financial (ASX:CCA) partners with fintechs and banks, to provide tailored payment, card issuing, and testing solutions. The global fintech has over 146 clients across 41 countries, managing and processing over 16 million credit, debit, and prepaid cards, delivering flexible and fast-to-market payment solutions. Change’s Vertexon provides leading digital and physical card solutions for banks and fintechs. Vertexon makes it simple for clients to launch full featured digital payment experiences to their end consumers fast.

Five of the top ten global payment companies trust Change’s PaySim for payment simulation and testing solution, helping them meet the reliability and performance expectations.

After onboarding multiple new clients to its global platform, Change Financial (ASX: CCA) is set to convert its recent product launches into new sales opportunities via Stockhead

Fintech payments leader Change Financial confirmed achievement of key platform milestones and new sales in an exciting quarter update this morning.

Among a number of operational highlights, CEO Alastair Wilkie flagged the successful launch of the company’s Vertexon platform, with additional products under development and a strong pipeline of new work opportunities – both in Australia and globally heading into 2022.

“We continued to grow our sales pipeline and see these opportunities progress through the sales funnel. During the quarter, we converted a significant number of opportunities into contracted revenue which will be realised in future quarters,” Wilkie said.

Importantly, Change commenced onboarding its first payments-as-a-service (PaaS) client in the lucrative US market during the quarter and is now pursuing multiple new clients leads across the US, Australasia and Latin America.

Accompanying that strong momentum, Wilkie and the CCA executive team have a clear strategic vision and key performance metrics to drive further growth in the year ahead.

Business highlights

Across the company’s operational objectives, CCA achieved a priority target in Q4 with the successful launch of Vertexon – a modern digital solution for banking clients to unify back-end process for prepaid, debit and credit cards.

During the December quarter, Change launched the Vertexon SaaS platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in Sydney, to service banks and fintechs in the Oceania region.

Delivered on schedule and on budget, the platform is highly scalable with the functionality for rapid global rollouts in response to client demand.

Along with that in-market launch, CCA also completed the beta phase of testing on the new Application Programming Interface (API) for PaySim – its SaaS-based automated payment testing solution that allows banks and fintechs to accelerate their development and product release cycles, the company said.

“The API enables clients to automate load, stress and regression testing to produce comprehensive results reporting and is the foundational component of PaySim’s software as a service offering,” CCA said.

As a measure of its product market-fit, PaySim is already in use by five of the top 10 digital payments companies globally, and marks a particularly exciting growth channel for Change.

Client momentum

In line with those key successes in product development, CCA was also able to convert its momentum into a number of new client wins.

Among them was the addition of a new fintech Mastercard prepaid card program in the US, which will deliver a minimum contract value of US$700,000 (~$1.0m) over an initial three-year term.

Client on-boarding is “well-progressed” and is expected to go live in the March quarter 2022, CCA said.

In addition, the company has secured US$1.3m (~$1.8m) of sales across its new product platform, with “US$1.1 million of Vertexon projects and US$200,000 of PaySim projects for existing clients”.

“Change expects further significant client wins to close in the third and fourth quarters of FY22 as opportunities progress through the sales funnel,” the company said.

The net outcome is that investors can look forward to a steady pipeline of growth for new revenue and cash-flow channels, as CCA continues to build its client base.

Importantly, around 55% of CCA’s revenue has been generated from recurring revenue streams.

Contracted ARR increased to US$4.7m, led by the successful onboarding of Change’s new PaaS client in the US market.

And as evidence of its strong momentum, Change highlighted that its sales pipeline grew by a net-24 opportunities in the December quarter to 158, while 23 new client opportunities were won and closed out.

“There was a significant increase in customer invoicing in Q2, particularly in December, which is expected to drive cash collections in Q3,” Change said.

With a scalable platform that services more than 16 million payment cards and 147 clients in 41 countries, CCA continues to carve out a profitable niche in the multi-billion dollar global payments market.

And following a transformative period in the second half of 2021, the company is set for a big year of growth in 2022.

Mastercard and Visa are moving from 6-digit BINs to 8-digit BINs for prepaid, debit and credit cards in the coming months. Both Visa and Mastercard have confirmed that from April 2022, they will no longer be issuing 6-digit BINs. 

With the timing running out, have you tested your cards and payments system are compatible? 

What happens if it goes wrong? 

  • Incorrect routing and authorisation failures 
  • Unexpected BIN fees / monthly management fees 
  • Settlement and clearing failures 
  • Host card management system, affiliate bank processing, reporting failures 
  • Incorrectly split portfolios across consumer and commercial 

The impact of 8-digit BINs  

The change to BIN will impact acquirers, issuers and processors.  Affected systems may include  

  • ATMs 
  • POS devices and terminal 
  • Switches 
  • Authorisation and settlement systems 
  • Data analytics and reporting systems 

Payment companies and services providers should be testing their systems to ensure they can acquire, issue and process transactions from cards with 8-digit BINs. 

PaySim make testing your payment systems simple 

Our payment testing and simulation solution, PaySim helps banks and fintechs ensure their systems are compliant and robust.  We have a long history helping companies get ready for changes like the transition to 8-digit BINs. 

For our own payments platform, Vertexon, we leverage PaySim internally to ensure we can support any mandated changes from the schemes.   

Using PaySim to test 8 digit BINs and more 

Payment testing is usually a time consuming and manual process. PaySim makes it simple for you to simulate the full transaction lifecycle and automate your testing processes.   

PaySim product is easy to install and a cost-effective tool for accelerating your testing regime.  

8 Digit BIN support could be a major internal change for any institution.  

PaySim allows you to: 

  • generate transactions from different sources with different card prefixes. 
  • Transaction generation 
  • Transactions with different card prefixes from ATM, POS or Interchange 
  • Route Testing 
  • Any updated routing rules are correctly followed 
  • End to End verification of card prefixes. 
  • Messages for different card prefixes get processed by the correct processes.  

Use PaySim to generate the transactions and authorise replies if required. Then do internal checks that all transactions have been processed as expected with the new 8 Digit BIN rules 

If you want to find out more about PaySim or if you’re an existing customer looking for more information about 8-digit BINs, contact us we’re here to help.